Paul Sloane. US 1926.

Erstaufführung/First Release: 06.09.1926

Verleih/Distributor: Producers Distributing Corp.
Produktionsfirma/Production Company: De Mille Pictures

Drehbuch/Screenplay: Jack Jevne
Vorlage/Based on: Zelda Sears, The Clinging Vine. New York: 1922 (Uraufführung New York/New York opening: 25.12.1922)
Adaption: Rex Taylor
Titel: John Krafft
Kamera/Cinematography: Arthur Miller
Künstlerische Oberleitung/Art Director: Max Parker
Regieassistenz/Assistant Director: William Scully

Leatrice Joy (Antoinette Allen)
Tom Moore (Jimmy Bancroft)
Toby Claude (Grandma Bancroft)
Robert Edeson (T. M. Bancroft)
Dell Henderson (B. Harvey Phillips)
Snitz Edwards (A. Tutweiler)


    Antoinette Allen, secretary to T. M. Bancroft, president of a paint company, is the actual brains of the organization; known as A. B., she buys an option on a deposit of »emeraldite« a previously imported mineral, without bothering to consult the board of directors. Bancroft's grandson, Jimmy, who dislikes A. B.'s mannish qulities and hopes to get rich on a patented egg beater, is informed by A. B. that he is fired. When her employer is taken ill, A. B., now nicknamed Ann, is induced by Grandma to feminize herself and flirt with men, and Jimmy falls in love with her. Phillips, a swindler, induces several people to invest in »emeraldite«, on which he claims an optioin, but Ann forces Bancroft to invest in his son's egg beater and manages to save Jimmy's money by playing Phillips off against Bancroft.

    (Quelle/Source: The American Film Institute Catalog, F2)